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14 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Fast

Updated: Oct 27, 2019

Increasing your energetic vibration can be very useful and improve so many areas in your life. It can positively affect your career, relationships, health, and much more. Today I want to teach you ways and ideas of how you can increase your vibration and pretty much get what you want in life. Before I give you the run down on these techniques, I would like to tell you a bit more about what it means to increase your vibration.

It is simple really, but can seem a bit farfetched and for some people, even a little unrealistic. Well, here it goes…everything that has been created is made up of energy in this wonderful universe of ours and is vibrating at different frequency levels. Everything has a different frequency level, such as plants, animals, humans, and anything solid. At a quantum level, anything that you believe is solid creates a vibrational energy field. Thus, each of us is created and made up of distinctive energy levels such as spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Each one the levels mentioned has a vibrational frequency, furthermore, creating an overall vibration of your being. Your vibrational levels can function on both low and high level of frequencies. Thus, it can include vibrational frequencies around you and within you.

Lower vibrational frequencies include:

1. Negative thoughts and belief patterns

2. Grief

3. Depression

4. Fear

5. Guilt

6. Anger

7. Shame

8. Pride

9. Apathy

High vibrational frequencies include:

1. Any positive thoughts, beliefs, or affirmations

2. Love

3. Compassion

4. Gratitude

5. Joy, enlightenment

6. Willingness

7. Forgiveness

8. Creativity

9. Acceptance

10. Courage

1. Positive affirmations

  • If you want to know how to do positive affirmations in the right way, go check out my previous blog post, which specifically deals with positive affirmations. Click here!

  • One thing I will say though is to focus on positive affirmations you actually believe and provide evidence for those affirmations. Then you can lead up to further affirmations, which may be a little more resistant to you.

2. Gratitude

Every day in the morning say what you are grateful for, for example, ‘I am thankful that you are reading this today’. ‘I am grateful/thankful for somewhere to live’. ‘I am thankful for food and drink’. ‘I am grateful for the sun that’s shining in the sky’ etc.

Make a list of everything you are grateful for, some examples could include the following:

  • What past events you have learned from and are thankful for

  • What you are grateful for at this moment

  • What future events you are grateful for

  • People in your life you care about

Work on making it as in-depth as possible.

3. Be compassionate and loving to your child self

Here is a question for you - When did you stop being a child and started being an adult?

The answer should be 'never' because we never really stopped, and we all still have an inner child within us no matter how old we are. A lot of the time, we can be cruel to our inner child without realizing it.

For example: Stopping yourself from having too much fun or being silly because you feel you are not acting your age, or you get embarrassed.

Every time you criticize yourself or judge yourself, you are hurting your inner child. Would you like to know more about your ‘inner child’? Post a comment below:

4. Focus on your feelings

A lot of the time, we ignore how we are feeling or reject our feelings. Feelings are there for a reason; feelings tell us when there is something we need to become aware of and deal with at a certain moment.

Instead of ignoring or rejecting your feelings next time, what you can do is ask yourself:

1. What am I feeling and why am I feeling a certain way?

2. What can I do for that feeling and how can I help it to feel better?

It may sound strange at first, but it really works and helps to ease a particular feeling you may be experiencing, making you feel better.

5. Embrace your positive feelings

  • When a positive feeling does emerge, instead of letting it pass by you, take a minute to allow yourself to embrace that feeling as if it is travelling through your whole body.

  • You can also address your feelings by asking them why you feel a certain way to become more aware of what actually makes you feel good.

  • If you're more of a visual person you can imagine what that feeling would look like and any time you feel like your vibration has lowered you can focus back on that image to help you increase it again.

6. Work on improving your limiting beliefs

I have written about this in my previous blog – you can check it out and click here. I will also have more on this topic in upcoming blog posts. To stay updated about when these will be coming up subscribe to the mailing list. One thing I will say is to become more aware of when you have negative thought patterns and the reasons why.

7. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is another essential tool which can also help to heal you and let go of past hurt, resentment, or certain grudges that you may have. Click here about ideas to help you let go and forgive.

One suggestion is to write down what or who has hurt you, what resentments or grudges you may have towards anyone or even yourself, and work on healing each one, one at a time. It is also okay if you can’t forgive someone yet, forgiveness takes time, but it’s essential to work towards it every day to heal yourself.

8. Do something creative and follow your purpose and passion.

Draw, write, sing, play a musical instrument, or dance. Do anything creative that you honestly love.

Make a list of all the things you are passionate about and that you love to do, then incorporate them into your life.

Additionally, if you are not working in a career you are passionate about or following your purpose, work on something each day on the side to get you to the place you want and where you can do the thing you love full time. I will have a blog post about this topic soon.

9. Embrace and express yourself

Allow yourself to have a voice and express your true authentic self because you are amazing exactly how you are.

10. Emotional needs

Start becoming aware of your needs, especially emotional ones, and see how you or others can meet them.

11. Read a book or better yet some inspirational quotes – I have loads coming up on Facebook, and Instagram, so please check them out.

12. Have a bath, make time to relax, enjoy your time, and do things you love.

13. Empowering and inspiring others - For example, find someone you can be a mentor to or encourage a friend that needs support.

14. Random acts of kindness – For example: Make someone's day brighter by smiling at them, especially someone who looks like they are having a bad day.

Your vibrational levels can go up and down throughout the day, so don't be too concerned about that. Just become more aware of how you are doing throughout the day and follow these tips. It is more crucial to increase your overall vibrational frequency and to become more aware of how you are doing throughout the day. As long as you are following these tips, you will be able to raise your frequency even higher.

Now I hope these tips help. If you want more tips, make sure to check out my other blog posts.

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You will be able to find new content here to brighten up your day with inspiration, love, support, and a boost to keep you going.

Question of the day: Do you choose to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings or do you continue to reject them? Comment below!

If you have any questions or would like me to talk about a specific topic, write it in the comments below and I may feature it in one of the blog posts next week. You can also email me with any questions, details are below.

Please like, comment and share.

PS: I am genuinely grateful for every single one of you reading this and am sending unconditional love your way!



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