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Chakras for Beginners: 10 easy techniques to unblock your chakras

If you want to feel better in all areas of life, keep reading. Healing chakras can be significantly beneficial to both your physical and mental health. If you have been feeling unwell, stuck, tired, have health problems, or even emotional struggles, there is a high probability that at least one of your chakras is blocked. There are seven chakras in your body and they are located from the base of your spine all along your back to the top of your head. These seven centre points are where energy flows through your body. If your chakras are blocked, this means that the energy in your body is getting stuck and is not able to flow properly.

What are the Seven Chakras, and how to know when they are blocked? 

1. Root Chakra – located at the base of your spine 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • Emotional issues, such as feeling confused, unsafe, and insecure 

  • Not feeling grounded

  • Being greedy

  • Survival concerns associated particularly with money and food

2. Sacral Chakra – located in the region of your lower abdomen 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • You can have co-dependency issues.

  • You can have feelings of anger or jealousy.

  • You can be blocked creatively.

  • You can also have a low sex drive. 

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – located in the area of your upper abdomen 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • Low self-esteem

  • Lacking in willpower

  • Emotional issues - feeling intimidated, fearful, or even guilty about something or someone

4. Heart Chakra – located in the middle the chest 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • A lack of compassion for others

  • Holding on to grudges

  • Filling up on resentment

  • Fearing intimacy

  • Lacking empathy 

  • A tendency to feel lonely or alone

5. Throat Chakra – located in region of your throat 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • Being bitter or critical of yourself and others

  • Being unable to express your feelings or opinions

  • Being indecisive when having to make choices

6. Third Eye Chakra – located in region of your forehead - between your eyes

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • Issues with your intuition

  • Feeling depressed

  • Lack of imagination

  • Difficulty remembering dreams

7. Crown Chakra – located at the top of your head 

Symptoms of a blocked chakra: 

  • Selfish tendencies  

  • Having problems meditating  

  • Feeling disconnected

8 Techniques to help balance and open your chakras:

1. Work on your beliefs 

Ask yourself

  • What is holding you back in life?

  • What are the things you aren't happy about in your life and why?

  • What do you want to do or change in your life but are too scared to pursue?

Start examining your life:

  • Are you happy about where you are in life right now? If yes, why? If no, why not?

  • What are you struggling with in your life right now?

  • What resentment, anger, fear, grudges, guilt and shame are you holding on to?

  • What areas in your life would you like to improve?

  • How can you create what you want or bring what you desire into your life?

These are just a few examples of what you can ask yourself to start becoming aware of your limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Limiting beliefs can have an extreme impact on your life when you are unaware of what they are and how they are affecting you. These beliefs have been formed and developed in childhood due to your experiences; what you were taught, and societal expectations of you growing up.

Once I started working through my own beliefs and unblocking my chakras, it really impacted my life and also helped increase my vibration.

2. Solution-based mind-set 

Let go of all the wands you are holding on to and realize that only worrying about all the burdens you have are not doing you any good. All they are doing is making you feel worse and possibly making you feel helpless. Every problem has a solution! There is a solution for every single issue you are facing. If you are too busy focused on the obstacles in your way you won't ever find a solution. So start thinking about a solution, if you are struggling to come up with anything, simply ask for a sign from the universe or help from someone. A solution can be as small as writing a to-do list of all you have to do so you are not constantly worried. 

Here are some questions to help you:

Ask yourself:

  • What is worrying you?

  • What is stressing you out?

  • What problems do you have in your life right now?

Then ask yourself: 

  • What is the solution?

  • What can I do to help myself from having this problem any longer?

  • What can I do right now to let go of certain things I am worried about or stressing me out?

The critical thing to mention here is not to ignore your feelings but to accept them and to instead focus on what you can do to solve your problem and feel better.

3. Forgiveness 

Have you been holding on to resentment? Have you been resenting someone you love or loved? Have you been resenting yourself? Many of us hold on to grudges and resentment, especially from people that have hurt us. We could also be holding on and resenting ourselves for mistakes we have made in the past. It's essential to find strategies to help yourself to let go and allow compassion and love to fill your heart instead. It is also crucial when trying to unblock your heart chakra. 

Write a letter to yourself or someone who has hurt you. 

  • It is important to state how and why they hurt you. If you need to cry or yell, do it, it's vital to release any pent-up emotions that you have been holding on to as it could relate not only to your physical health but your mental or emotional health as well.

  • State what you have learned from the experience or person as well as how they may have served you in your life, for example, did they make you stronger, more patient, etc.

  • If you can - try looking at things from the other person’s perspective and find a reason to forgive them. And if you can - say at the end of the letter: ‘I forgive you’. Forgiving can be hard, and if you can't do it after writing this message, it is alright. At least you were able to express yourself and this may give you the closure you have always needed.

  • After you write the letter do anything you please with it, tear it up, put it in a locked box, throw it away, or give to the person. 

4. Letting go of fear and guilt

Fear and guilt can eat away at you and can cause you more grief than you need in the world today. It can be a major reason why you are not moving forward and taking part in the things you have always wanted to do. 

Make a list - What are your fears? What do you feel guilty about or have regretted?

For each statement you have come up with do the following:

  • Think about when that belief started in childhood and see what memory comes up.

  • Ask yourself how you felt, why, and what was the worst thing about that experience?

  • Make a list of what you find and then on a separate page, write an affirmation for each statement on your list and three reasons why each affirmation is true. 

  • Keep your affirmations beside your bed. Every morning and night say them out loud at least three times. 

If you get emotional at all through the process, allow yourself to release it such as crying, or yelling. Be cautious here, and do not harm yourself in any way. If anything gets too much call someone or go to see someone that you feel comfortable talking to and express how you are feeling.

5. Inner power 

What does power mean to you? A lot of the time, we tend to have a negative representation toward power; we could even represent power with abuse or aggression. People could also have problems with authority and leadership because of how they see power. 

  • Start viewing power, especially inner power differently, for example, view power as having a voice, expressing your voice, inspiring and empowering others, and believing in your worth. 

  • Also, every time you notice yourself feeling guilty, angry, or resentful about a situation or person realize you are giving your power away. 

  • Make an affirmation: ‘I am powerful’ - if you don't feel comfortable saying that there may be a belief there that you need to work through.

6. Creativity and Passion 

  • This one is pretty straightforward! Make a list of what you’re passionate about and what you love to do and do more of it. 

  • Try something new or go for a class that you have always wanted to try.

  • Find a way to get your creative juices flowing, whether it is art, taking photos, writing, etc. 

  • Think about what you liked as a child and have now stopped and think about starting it up again.

7. Self-expression 

  • Get creative and express yourself through your passion, do something that will help you express yourself and who you are – whether it’s singing, writing, making a speech, drawing or painting or playing an instrument.  

  • Express how you are feeling more and work on feeling safe enough within yourself to do that.

  • Be your true authentic self and let go of the mask because people will love you.

  • Be honest with yourself and the people around you.

  • Work on learning how to value your opinion more than others, if you stop yourself from doing, saying or even posting something because you are more concerned about how others will perceive you instead of how you perceive yourself, start questioning why and how you can change that. 

8. Listen to your Intuition 

We tend to ignore our intuition more than we realize, and that makes it quieter. 

One suggestion is to start taking notice of how you feel throughout the day and see what your intuition is trying to tell you. Start listening and be guided by the answers you get, if you have a feeling about something trust in it. 

9. Grounding 

One of the great ways to help open the root chakra is to get out into nature, go for a walk, walk barefoot on the grass or at the beach, hug a tree, all ways to help you feel better and ground yourself. 

10. Meditation 

  • Meditation is a great way to ask for guidance and find answers you have been struggling to answer. It helps release energy from any chakra that is stuck. It helps calm, centre and fill you up with positive energy. It's also a great way to become connected with oneself and feel spiritually connected.

  • It is also useful for tips 8 and 9. Meditation can be fantastic for listening to your intuition and grounding you, so definitely consider it whether it is for five minutes a day or an hour. 

Now I hope these tips help. I will have future blog posts about some of the tips I have talked about today, providing more details. 

Question of the day: Do you choose to allow your limiting beliefs to control you or break free from them? Comment below!

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If you have any questions or want me to talk about a specific topic, write it in the comments below and I may feature it in one of the blog posts next week. You can also email me with any questions, and details are below. 

Please like, comment and share. 

PS: I am genuinely grateful for every single one of you reading this and am sending unconditional love your way!



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