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How to Use Positive Affirmations the Right Way!

Writer's picture: Olivia ShadidOlivia Shadid

Positive affirmations can be powerful and beneficial when used in the right way! They help to higher your vibration, increase your ability to manifest and improve your self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. In addition, they increase productivity levels, enable you to create solutions to problems and develop good behavioural habits. Affirmations can help better your health and can reduce worry, fear, stress, and anxiety. Most importantly, they are also useful for weakening the limiting beliefs that cause negative thought patterns and feelings.  

When you have negative thoughts and feelings due to your limiting beliefs, they reaffirm and strengthen your limiting beliefs even more. This is why it is so essential to work through your limiting beliefs and break them down, eventually releasing them. Once you start providing reasons for why your limiting beliefs are not valid, they will begin to dissipate. Positive affirmations also take it one step further and help release the beliefs that no longer serve you anymore. Below, I will explain how to take it one step further and give you useful tips to know how to use affirmations in the right way.

Steps to create the right positive affirmations for you! 

  1. Make a list of all negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that you have focused on lately. 

  2. Choose one negative thought or limiting belief from your list that you are currently struggling with and write it down on a separate piece of paper or notebook.

  3. Under the belief or thought, write down how it makes you feel. 

  4. Under how it makes you feel write down why it makes you feel a certain way and what is the worst thing about that. 

  5. After figuring out why and how it's affecting you so much, give reasons underneath about why those statements are not true. You need to be able to weaken the beliefs you have stated, this is one way to do just that.

  6. Now, look at all your negative beliefs or thoughts and for each one think about how they can be changed to positive affirmations.

  7. On a separate page write down all the positive affirmations you can come up with. You can have more than one affirmation for each negative belief.  

  8. Below the positive affirmations, give at least three reasons why your affirmations are valid.

  9. You can add to your original list each time something new comes up. If it's easier, write them in a journal to keep them all in one place. 

  10. Lastly, make sure that your affirmations are accessible and available first thing in the morning and before you sleep. You will need to say these affirmations out loud to be more effective but reinforcing the belief or positive thought.

For example: 

  • My negative belief - I am stuck and trapped in my situation with no way out.

  • Why am I feeling this way - circumstances are not in my favour, and I don't have the finances to get out of the situation

  • How I feel - frustrated and powerless 

  • Reasons why it is not true 

  1. There are multiple avenues to increase my finances and limitless possibilities to get to where I want to in life:

  2. I am free because I still make my own decisions. 

  3. I have a lot of inner strength so I must be powerful

  • What is it teaching you, or how is it serving you? - It is teaching me to have patience, courage and faith.

  • Positive affirmations 

  1. I am powerful 

  2. I am strong

  3. I have inner strength and power

  4. I have willpower

  5. I am patient 

  6. I have a purpose 

  7. I am committed 

  8. I have faith

  9. I have courage

  10. I am brave

  • Reaffirming positive affirmations 

  1. I have inner strength for everything I have gone through.

  2. I can be strong in times of crisis. 

  3. I can be vulnerable with others, and that shows strength.

It honestly can be anything that you want it to be and applies to you. 

9 tips and tricks to create the best positive affirmations and even better habits for success.

1. How to create an affirmation?

Make sure you use ‘I am, I have’ or “I know how it feels to” and make sure you create each statement in the present tense. Also, be sure to aim your affirmation towards yourself and not others and make it short but effective.

2. Do you believe it?

Close your eyes and ask yourself if you actually believe the positive statements you are writing down, check each affirmation one at a time. The reason why affirmations don't work a lot of the time is because we don't truly believe them, so you need to pick ones you can believe. For example, if you ask yourself if you believe you are powerful and the answer is ‘no’, then change how you say it. Instead of being powerful, maybe you believe you are strong so instead write down ‘I am strong’ and use that affirmation. You may need more evidence to believe your original statement or belief, and this will come over time. First, start with what you find easier to believe or have little or no resistance to, and eventually, you can change it back to your initial affirmation. Once you have gone through all the positive beliefs and statements, make a list somewhere accessible for you to see them.

3. Feel it in your body

Close your eyes for just a minute, take a deep breath and while saying the positive affirmations see what feelings and emotions emerge. If there are positive emotions such as joy or contentment, let the positive feelings you feel wash over your whole body and completely embrace them. It truly creates the momentum for you moving forward. 

4. Make it accessible

Print your affirmations and put them up on your bathroom mirror, fridge or in plain view at home. It helps to remind you of what statements you need to say each day. Also, get into the habit of saying them regularly when you are at home.

5. Wake up and go to sleep in a good mood.

Every morning and evening state what and why you are grateful for in your life. Showing appreciation can help increase your energetic vibration and your mood. If you do this in the morning and evening before you state your affirmations, it will significantly impact the statements you are saying every day. It will also help maintain the same frequency as your affirmations as well as help you manifest more.

6. How often and how to say them?

You can either express your affirmations out loud, in your head, in front of a mirror or even visualize yourself saying them, whatever you feel more comfortable with or want to do. I recommend saying the statements in the morning and the evening for at least five minutes, which you have probably gathered from what I have stated above. I do also recommend saying them during the day as a ‘pick me up’. I know it helps me when I am thinking negatively at all during the day. Reaffirming your affirmations can also help decrease any stress and anxiety you are having throughout the day.

7. Take it easy

It can be difficult to say all the affirmations on your list, especially if you are adding to that list every time you work on a belief. Instead of overwhelming yourself, making this stressful and time-consuming, keep the list you made accessible and focus only on the ones you feel you need to at that moment. Another suggestion is to focus on certain ones for at least a month, and maybe create a particular theme.

For example, if you have affirmations to do with an expression such as:

  • I know how it feels to express myself creatively

  • I know how it feels to bring value to others when I speak

  • I know how it feels to express myself well and confidently

Make it manageable for yourself!

8. Give evidence

At least once a day find time while you are saying the affirmations to give the evidence you came up with from your list. Additionally, each day/week you can come up with new evidence as to why the statements you have made are true to reaffirm and help you create a more positive belief about yourself. Remember it really helps to find evidence for the statements you don't yet believe. 

9. Get someone to help.

Get someone you feel comfortable with - a friend or family member - to say the statements you have come up with to you. When someone is saying the statements to you make sure they are using ‘you are’,'you have' or ‘you know how it feels like to’. For instance, ‘you are creative’. If you don't feel like you can ask anyone to do that, instead, use a mirror at home, it can also be useful. 

Now I hope these tips help. If you want more tips, make sure to check out my other blog posts.

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Question of the day: Do you choose to live in negativity or positivity? Comment below!

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PS: I am genuinely grateful for every single one of you reading this and am sending unconditional love your way!



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