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Discovering your purpose & passion for career success & fulfilment!

Writer's picture: Olivia ShadidOlivia Shadid

When it comes to career, purpose and passion it can be confusing. What we want changes all the time, as we do. In the darkest time of my life I found my purpose without even realising that I would. I went through a lot of ups and downs following my purpose in the last decade, living with doubt and confusion. It was only when quite unexpectedly I was directed to another path in life that I finally stepped out of the shadows to follow my purpose and passion in this life, and felt a sense of profound freedom. Where I thought I would be years ago isn’t where I thought I would be today, but it gave me an opportunity to see a new reality that I couldn’t have envisioned. I had so many swerves along the way that I wanted to help you through what I have learnt through finding my purpose, passion and finding the career I want.

Before I get started, I want to admit something though, I thought this was one of the easiest blogs I would write, yet, it was one of the hardest, and it’s why it took me so long to get a blog post out. You see around the time of me writing this blog there were two opportunities for me to choose from, follow down the conventional route of something I had wanted for years, which was to get a masters in Psychology in order to help people, or go down the unconventional route of starting a blog and becoming a practicing healer. I had just started my blog and had begun to think about ideas of what I wanted for my future. I had found an alternative path to go down when I couldn’t do what I had wanted to do for ages, but little did I know that where I am now is where I always wanted to be, I just hadn’t realised it, it hadn’t sunk in. I am pretty good at making decisions but when it came to making a choice, I was stuck between my heart and my mind, I was stuck between my old desires and new desires. I was completely torn and I knew that in order for me to get this blog out and help you to the best of my ability, knowing which direction to go and figuring out what you want, I needed to figure this out for myself. I finally made my decision when I realized what I wanted to commit to and what I knew would give me the most joy and that is what I am doing now, that may change in time but I was finally able to admit to myself and the people around me what I wanted. In this blog post I will help you to finally reach what you want and guide you to identify your purpose and passion in life and how to take that step forward in your life.

Many people think that your career is based on just going after your passion but it’s so important to also include your purpose in the mix. When you are doing something you love or enjoy it is all about passion, while your purpose is about providing your gifts to others and what you are going to contribute to this world. Both passion and purpose then can make an unbreakable combo for success and give you a great sense of fulfilment and joy. It’s similar to a writer who publishes a self-help book, because it is written to help others and provide value in people’s lives. Finding your purpose, alongside your passion provides you with two vital things, one it is easy to be motivated to go after what you want, and two it also helps you be more in alignment with your soul. What you need to remember though is at the end of the day your purpose and passion is who you are, it’s a part of you and that it’s not so much about finding it as it is discovering and looking within to identify who you always were, whilst connecting with yourself and what you want again.

Here are some suggestions to get you going whether you are in a job or not:

1. Discover yourself again. We change every day even if we don’t realise it. Sometimes we need to align again with ourselves, who we are and what we want.

2. Start asking yourself the tough and important questions when it comes to where you are right now and if you are happy where you are. Here are a couple to get you started:

  • Am I excited to get up in the morning to go to work?

  • Am I drained when I finish work?

  • Am I happy where I am in life right now, if so why?

  • Am I in a job that I am still passionate about or do I do things that I am passionate about?

  • Am I happy, joyful and fulfilled in my career?

  • Do I like my job? If not, what would I prefer to be doing?

  • Do I create the value I want to in other people’s lives?

Here are some questions if you are confused about where you want to go:

  • What did I like growing up?

  • What are my interests?

  • What do people ask me advice about?

  • What excites me or motivates me?

  • What is that one thing I think and dream about doing but I am afraid to do?

  • What responsibilities do I like or dislike about my job?

  • How do I want to contribute to others or how can I provide value in other people’s lives?

  • What do I enjoy doing?

  • What do I love doing?

  • What empowers me?

  • What are my strengths despite the work I have done or am doing?

  • What are my skills?

  • What value do I want to provide for others?

  • In 10 years’ time what would I want to be doing?

  • Where do I want to see myself in 10 years?

  • Where don’t I want to be, or don’t want to be doing in 10 years.

  • If I had the money what would I do?

  • If I had to do anything for seven years in a row what would it be?

  • If I had a million dollars what would I pursue or create?

  • What are my values and what values are important to me to have in my career? For example, do I value honesty, freedom, family, etc.

  • Are my values aligned with what I am currently doing and what do I want to do?

  • Also, you could consider things like are you creative or analytical? As well as your dislikes - what do you really not like doing? For example, for me, in a job I don’t like to feel constrained. You could also consider what your weaknesses are or areas you need to improve upon. The responses to these questions will also help you see what direction is best for you.

3. Write down all the answers to the questions above.

  • ·Put down at least 20 interests

  • Cut them down to your top 5

  • Cut them down again to either your top two or top one.

4. Research, research, research

  • I only found Theta Healing because I did my research, this can be done before, after or during your answers to number 3, but it’s important to research what is out there and what you want to do as well as how other people have done it. Figure out through the research how you can make what you want to do a reality. Once you have picked one, research, read about it, watch videos, talk to people you know in the same field or even search for groups to join, do whatever you can to really see if this is for you.

  • For those looking for a specific job, identify your job prospects and see all your options and include research areas you are not aware of.

  • Identify your financial situation and research what the best thing would be to do in your position and make a plan even if you are starting from scratch.

5. Make a plan whether you’re in a job or not.

  • Once you have really figured out what you want, start making a plan on how you are going to start doing the work you love, whether it is what you are going to do daily or how much you need to save up to do it. Anything that you feel you need to do to get this going write it down.

  • Once you have an outline about how you can make it happen, make another list in which you start putting into action right now. Like for an example for me, I may say I am going to write 10 minutes a day, or maybe it is that you say to yourself you’re going to put a hundred dollars a week to save up. If there is a job you want to do think about what you need to apply for that job or whatever seems realistic that you can do, anything that you feel is getting you closer to that dream. Now if you can start doing things immediately and don’t have a job maybe you can put more on your list. If you’re working and you feel that you don’t have time then maybe start smaller like 1 minute a day. We all have one minute a day no matter how busy we are.

Important things to consider:

1. When we are in jobs that we don’t want to be in it can be really hard to be motivated and happy in life. It can also cause you pain, frustration and make you feel trapped, stuck and powerless because of where you are, especially when you feel like you need the job to survive and have financial security, as well as being able to support and feed yourself and your family. The issue is that all you are attracting, a lot of the time is lower vibrational energy, which causes more of what you don’t want into your life. I know the more I was feeling frustrated and stuck where I was the more negative situations kept coming up in my life and I wasn’t happy.

2. The opinions of what others think you should do – now a lot of people may have opinions about what you should do, whether it’s your parents, siblings, friends or even strangers you come across. Especially, when it comes to things like what people think are risky and basically not a 9 to 5 job, some may support your decision, but others may not. I have come across so many people who do what their family wants them to do, whether it’s a conventional job or a family business and because of that they aren’t happy and are not fulfilling their dreams. A lot of the time they don’t want to disappoint their families, or even worry that their family won’t accept and love them if they do go in a different direction. When it comes to going after what you want, especially when it is unconventional, you will find a lot of resistance at first, not always but especially for people in families who have gone down the conventional route. Most of the time when people show resistance towards what you want and are not supportive, it’s usually not because of you but more about them. You end up triggering them to question where they are in their lives and if they have truly followed their dreams which, in most cases they haven’t. Thus, by following your passion you challenge their limiting beliefs and bring up fears around their journey, life choices and dreams. I had a lot of resistance going down the ThetaHealing route and not looking for a steady 9-5 job, it wasn’t easy for a while, but what I realised as much as I was triggering them, I was triggering myself making that decision because any limiting belief about going down the unconventional way came up, such as fearing failure, fearing my family not supporting me and fearing if it didn’t work, what would I do. Then what I finally realised was that I wasn’t supporting myself in the decision, so why would anyone else around me. Once I started accepting the direction I was going down and supporting myself as well as letting go of old belief systems, I started seeing the people around me shift as well. Another major thing that had an impact on me was my fear to start; however, once I did and showed the world and the people around me what I was doing and how it was impacting me in an amazing way, the support was there for me even more. You see whoever we love and who reciprocally loves us, deep down they just want us to be happy; it just takes some a bit longer than others to catch on.

3. Work on your limiting beliefs:

  • Question what you think about what you want to do and see what comes up, what things are you doubting, what things are you telling yourself to stop yourself, and any fears that come up. Write each of them down and start working through each one, one by one.

  • Work through limiting beliefs like - do you feel like you can have it all or that work, and life has to be hard? Work on beliefs around how capable and confident you feel around what you want to do.

4. Fears that are holding you back - Is there an idea that has been on your mind that you keep denying because of fear? Is there something that hasn’t been created yet that you want to create but haven’t and if so, why not? Fear can really hold you back – a lot of the time when you know what you want to do and what your purpose and passion is, sometimes you can be too scared to pursue it or explore it.

5. Another important tip is to use statements like I am…. Such as ‘I am a writer’, ‘I am a healer’, ‘I am a dancer’, depending on what you want to become or who you are already. You see if you identify yourself with something you are or would love to be you are already what you want to become, it is within you. Once you start to identify that innate part of you then it will become a part of your identity. It helps you to also see if there are any fears, doubts or triggers around saying who you want to become. It also helps with attracting experiences in your life that can help you become that. You can also use it in a position you are already in, if you’re not happy about the position you are in you can come up with a cooler name, for example, instead of an assistant maybe you like organising so maybe you’re a professional organiser. It helps you feel better about where you are right now and gives you the motivation and vibrational energy shift you need to get you to where you want to go and what you want to do. Visualise who you want to become as well, as it can also be very powerful in attracting that to come into your life.

6. There may be moments where you become stuck; however, just remember that we are always changing, so it’s actually a bit of an illusion; nevertheless, when you are feeling frustrated or confused sometimes it’s important to step back or take things in a different approach or direction, which has even worked for me when I am writing.

7. Procrastination: When it comes to procrastination focus on taking baby steps, a lot of the time we can become overwhelmed with all we have to do, or how far away we are from our goals. It’s important to provide yourself with little goals and celebrate each as an achievement even if it’s working for 10 minutes a day or even 5 minutes, whatever works for you. Also identify your fears and what is stopping you from starting and find solutions to those issues or work on your limiting beliefs around them.

8. Side Projects: Now if you are starting out with a side project while in a full time job, make it become a priority even if it means working on it for 5-10 minutes a day, as it will help to motivate you and get you passionate and fired up again, getting you out of a lower vibrational energy when you’re not enjoying the job you are in. Also, it is important to make a plan and a goal for how long you want to work until your side project becomes full time. (for more information about raising your vibration click here.)

9. Make decisions about the direction you want to go in for the right reasons, by always identifying what you want now rather than focusing on what you wanted previously. Choose a direction you know that will fulfil you rather than a decision based on fear, especially of the unknown. Be accepting and open with your desires, wants and needs.

10. When you’re in a transitional stage in your life, it can be important to take breaks to allow yourself to rejuvenate in order to think clearly about what you want. In addition, you need to realise that It’s okay and important to take time for yourself when you feel you need to. Moreover, it is vital to see how you can do that whilst also feeling comfortable, which can be done by making a plan and going through with it in order to take that break. It is essential when you do take a break to support yourself in that decision instead of questioning it. If you do question it, you may have to work through limiting beliefs around why you are.

11. Your state of wellbeing - a lot of the time stress of work can affect both our mental and physical health and it is important to see if the career you are in now is the direction you want your life to go in. When you are living your purpose and passion you feel energised and fulfilled and if you don’t it’s time to question why. It’s time to question what you want and how that will contribute to your wellbeing.

We all have dreams; we all have a purpose and we all can create the life we want for ourselves; we just need to be willing to dare to dream and be brave enough to pursue it. Purpose and passion can create a different world for you, when you allow your heart to embrace it and your mind to create it. Be courageous enough to work through your fear of the unknown, your sense of insecurity and fear of failing, in order to fulfil what you were always meant to do because you are already who you want to become.

Now I hope these tips help. If you want more, make sure to check out my other blog posts.

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Question of the day: Do you choose to live a life of fulfilment or regret?

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PS: I am genuinely grateful for every single one of you reading this and am sending unconditional love your way!



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©Olivia Shadid and Soul Serendipity, LLC-FZ 2019-2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Olivia Shadid and Soul Serendipity LLC-FZ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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