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16 Ways to Help You Listen to and Increase Your Intuition

Are you using your intuition to its fullest potential? Nowadays a lot of people find it hard to really tap into their intuition because somewhere down the line they stopped trusting it and themselves. Today I want to help you finally reconnect with your soul and allow your true intuitive abilities to be embraced to their ultimate potential. Miraculous things can happen in your life once you allow yourself to reconnect and trust again, which I have witnessed in my own life and I want you to experience the same thing.

This blog is going to give you all the valuable information you need to finally start using your intuition more effectively as well as becoming aware about whether it is your ego talking to you or your intuition. Intuition is based more on instinctive feelings rather than conscious reasoning. A lot of the time people are so disconnected from their feelings, that they find it quite difficult to really connect to their intuition. For me, it was always quite easy because while I was growing up I really needed to use my intuition in order to feel safe in my life, but I did struggle when it came to making major decisions because even though I was in tune with my senses and had a sense of knowing about things, I did find it hard to trust my intuition at times over my own conscious reasoning. It was only until I started really working on my intuition and trusting myself that I found it easier to make major decisions without doubting myself. Whether you are struggling with the same thing or if you want to increase your intuitive abilities or even if you want to learn more about how to listen and trust your intuition more effectively, you’re reading the right blog.

Before I start, I want to let you know that everyone’s intuition speaks to them differently. Someone may just have a sense of knowing, while another person may focus on what they are feeling in relation to their intuition. In addition, people who are extremely intuitive may have a sense of knowing whilst also being able to tap into how they are feeling, it just depends on how much someone has worked on their intuition. Furthermore, everyone has different meanings for different sensations they feel, so you have to focus on asking yourself what those sensations mean for you. Now let’s get right into it.

16 Tips on listening and increasing your intuition

1. Take time out for yourself in a quiet place

  • Even if it is just for 10 minutes a day, sit somewhere comfortably and alone. Close your eyes and become aware of your thoughts and feelings.

  • -This is important in order to allow what you have been blocking to come to the surface, rather than denying or avoiding the feelings you have. When you are busy and stressed from your normal day life, it does not give you the access you need to really hear your intuition clearly. Taking time for yourself allows you to reconnect with your intuition.

2. Start becoming aware of how you feel and why you feel a certain way. Ask yourself:

  • - How do you feel about the situation?

  • - Why are you feeling like that?

  • - Do you feel good or bad about what you are thinking about?

  • - Are fear and anxiety clouding what you want to do?

3. Let go of your fear and anxiety around the situation that is blocking your intuition

  • Acknowledge the fear and validate it, by first saying to yourself ‘I hear you’ and then ask yourself why you are feeling this way

  • Understand why you are fearing the situation and how you can resolve the fear you feel. What can you do to ease the fear and anxiety? – In a healthy way!

  • Become aware of whether your brain is trying to protect you from your experiences in the past or if it is your intuition trying to guide you through glimmers of desire, love and nudges to help you move forward.

4. Become aware of physical sensations such as, goose bumps or a shiver, especially when you’re thinking about something you want to do but aren’t sure about.

  • I have always found that when I have goose bumps my intuition is letting me know I am on the right path especially when I have a realization about something. Other sensations like feeling your heart racing or rapid breathing can be a sign when it comes to helping you realise when there is something wrong, like if you’re in danger. However, if you’re at home and in a safe environment and you start feeling this way, it is usually because of your actual thoughts about a certain situation. More often than not that usually has to do with the fear and anxiety that you are feeling, rather than it being a sign to do something or not. Another sensation is the feeling in the pit of your stomach that says run when you sense that something bad is about to happen. All the sensations you feel have a message and it could represent something different for everyone. Focus on what each sensation means to you.

  • Other things to keep an eye out for in situations are if you feel heavy or light, as well as your physical health. A lot of time our intuition speaks to us through our physical bodies. For example, you could develop a rash on your skin which might have been triggered by your emotional reaction to a situation. Rashes sometimes appear when we are feeling attacked in some way and our intuition is trying to help us become aware of what is going on within us. Another example is when we feel stressed or anxious and develop a headache.

5. Sense of knowing and that gut feeling

  • It’s that feeling of just knowing something is not right or that gut feeling making you feel sick that something is wrong. For example, you could have this feeling of knowing that someone is keeping something from you.

  • The more that you work on your intuition and your empathy for others the easier it will be to have that sense of knowing. I think one of the reasons I am very aware of how others are feeling around me and even somewhat what they aren’t telling me is due to the empathy I have developed over the years for others. If you are someone who hasn’t really felt this before or don’t know what I am of talking about, don’t struggle with it as it will come in time while you’re working on increasing your intuition as well as through self-healing and eventually you will start recognising it.

6. Work on raising your vibration and overcoming negative emotions that are clouding your intuition.

  • This can include anger, feeling depressed, envy, anxiety and fear, as well as any other low vibrational energies. To learn more about increasing your vibration click here.

7. Become present and start being mindful of your environment

  • This is as simple as observing your surroundings and taking in all the miraculous things around you. When you become aware and mindful of your surroundings you can become more in tune with them and it can really help you to pick up on more things that you would have never realised before.

  • Being around nature can really increase your energy, intuition and help to ground you, as well being very healing. Some places you can start going to include the park or even by the sea.

  • If you want to get your intuition to help you and know when to trust someone, it is very important to be present in your environment with them whilst becoming aware about their tone and volume of voice and their body language to name but a few.

8. Start a dream journal

  • When it comes to your intuition your dreams are very important. A lot of the time dreaming gives your subconscious mind a chance to work through things that you are unwilling to deal with or are resisting as well as things your soul is trying to get you to become aware of, which is why a dream journal is so important when working on your intuition and even increasing it.

  • Before you even get out of bed in the morning write down whatever you remember about the dreams you had. The sooner that you write them down the easier it will be to remember them. Even if it is just writing an image you saw in a dream or if it was dark or light. Just anything you can remember can be important and the more you do it, the more you will remember each time.

9. Be willing to be honest and truthful with yourself

  • It is easy to avoid or lie about how you are feeling because you don’t want to believe or admit that is how you are feeling. You could also be scared of what will happen if you do believe what your feelings are telling you, however, to really increase your intuition it is crucial to be honest with yourself.

  • Become aware of when you are being dishonest with yourself and why. How is it serving you to be dishonest? How are you avoiding your feelings and why?

  • It is also important to work on beliefs about being vulnerable with others and fears about healing yourself. Ask yourself what would happen if you did work on yourself and if you were vulnerable with people. Then remember they are only limiting beliefs that are making you stay stuck and hold on to these negative habits. Disempower those beliefs by providing evidence for why they aren’t true and come up with new and more empowering beliefs that can truly help you move forward.

  • Work on affirmations if you are finding it difficult to be honest and truthful with yourself. You can even use affirmations for increasing your intuition as well. To learn more about how to use affirmations in the right way and to learn more about how they work click here.

10. Do something creative

  • - Journaling or expressing yourself through art or anything you really love to do, helps you not only get out of a lower vibrational energy, but can also help increase your intuition and open the door to allowing messages to come through much more easily, rather than when you are overthinking about a situation that tends to block your intuition.

11. Write down your instinctive feelings and see if they were right.

  • When you start testing your intuition it helps you realise how your intuition works for you, but it also helps you believe and trust your intuition more than ever before. Trust is so needed when helping you to increase your intuition and one way to affirm this is to take action on the instincts you have. – but it is important to start off small.

12. Become aware of how your intuition has guided you in the past

  • Write down or just think about when you were right about something in the past and how you were feeling. Did you have any sensations or just knew things? Was your gut screaming out to you making you feel sick? Work on remembering as much as possible to help guide you when you are using your intuition now.

13. Discover yourself

  • Ask yourself questions about what you want, who you are, what you believe and what your values are. Get a firm grasp on all these areas.

  • Read books or watch videos to help with the above questions as that helps you discover yourself and what you want. I may have a blog post in the future about this, so subscribe if you would like to hear more about discovering who you are and what you want, if you haven’t already.

14. Don’t allow other people’s opinions of you and what you are doing to cloud your intuition

  • It is useful at times to get advice from loved ones but make sure to really get an idea of what your intuition is pulling you towards before doing that, because sometimes if you ask people first what they think it can confuse you even more on what you should do.

  • Also don’t allow the approval and love from others cloud your intuition, especially when you’re worried more about what others will think rather than listening to your intuition.

15. Ask yourself questions

  • If you want to know the answer to a question, you should write it down and ask for guidance. Once you do this, let it go and allow your soul to guide you to the answer to that question, whether it is a dream or a video you come across etc. I think it is better to focus on one question at a time or it could get confusing.

  • A few questions to help you get started are:

  1. What brings you joy?

  2. What makes you feel good and what doesn’t?

  3. What makes you get up every morning?

  4. What goals to you have and why?

16. Decluttering

  • Make sure you declutter your mind. One way to do this is to declutter your home and if you would like to know more about how to do that click here. This is so important to do because it gives you the clarity you need to allow the messages from your intuition to come through as well as becoming less confused and more focused.

Now I spoke about trusting your intuition a bit before but if I am being honest this is so important to do on your journey, either if it is increasing your intuition, learning how to use it or unblocking your intuition, no matter what stage you are at. I know how hard it can be when it comes to this but the more you trust it and provide more proof to yourself why intuition is on your side the more willing you will be to listen to it. It is also really about trusting yourself, if you can’t even trust yourself it will be much harder to trust your intuition. I may do a blog post about this topic later but for now use affirmations such as ‘I know how it feels to trust my intuition’ or ‘I am intuitive and can trust my intuition’. Also, see how far you have come and all you have accomplished, as well as all the things you have done right in the past rather than focusing on the times you were wrong. Provide yourself with evidence on how you have trusted your intuition and yourself before. Additionally, provide evidence for how that worked out for you before and disprove the times it hasn’t, for example, if fear was clouding your intuition too much or maybe at the time you thought it was the right decision but because you have grown, learnt and changed you would do things differently now than you would before. Figure out what you have learnt from the experiences you have gone through and see if they have served you in some way, as well as how it was actually for your highest good or for a purpose and let go of blame, guilt and regret from that past.

Intuition can be so helpful in your life and I really hope you start using and maximising your intuition as much as possible to get the best results in your life. When you do use these tips, it will be a powerful experience for you. However, just remember your rational mind is also important, it’s about creating a balance and not allowing lower vibrations to energise the control of your decisions.

Now I hope these tips help. If you want more, make sure to check out my other blog posts.

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You will be able to find new content here to brighten up your day with inspiration, love, support, and a boost to keep you going.

Question of the day: Do you choose to hear your inner voice or be ruled by your outer reality?

If you have any questions or would like me to talk about a specific topic, write it in the comments below and I may feature it in one of the blog posts next week. You can also email me with any questions, details are below.

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PS: I am genuinely grateful for every single one of you reading this and am sending unconditional love your way!



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